Some Any — упражнения

some any Задания

Some Any - упражнения

Упражнение 1

Поставьте подходящее местоимение.

  1. Would you like … (some/any/no) milk?
  2. You can leave at … (some/any/no) time.
  3. Could you give me … (some/any/no) help, please?
  4. We must buy … (some/any/no) vegetables for dinner.
  5. I haven’t got … (some/any/no) eggs for pancakes.
  6. I think … (something/anything) is burning.
  7. … (Somebody/Anybody) told me about his job.
  8. I couldn’t find my umbrella … (somewhere/anywhere/nowhere).
  9. Sorry, I can do … (someone/anyone/nothing) for you.
  10. There was … (something/anything/nobody) to answer the phone in the office.
  1. some (Хочешь немного молока?)
  2. any (Ты можешь уйти в любое время.)
  3. some (Ты мог бы мне помочь?)
  4. some (Нам нужно купить овощи на ужин.)
  5. any (У меня нет яиц для блинов.)
  6. something (Кажется, что-то горит.)
  7. Somebody (Кто-то рассказал мне о его работе.)
  8. anywhere (Я не смог нигде найти свой зонт.)
  9. nothing (Прости, я ничем не могу помочь тебе.)
  10. nobody (В офисе не было никого, чтобы ответить на звонок.)

Упражнение 2

Поставьте подходящее местоимение some или any.

  1. They need …. bananas.
  2. We can’t buy …. posters in this shop.
  3. We haven’t got …. oranges at the moment.
  4. Tom has bought …. new books.
  5. He always takes …. sugar with her coffee.
  6. I have seen …. nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
  7. There aren’t …. folders in my bag.
  8. I have …. magazines for you.
  9. There are …. apples on the table.
  10. Kate does not have …. pencils on her desk.
  1. They need some bananas.
  2. We can’t buy any posters in this shop.
  3. We haven’t got any oranges at the moment.
  4. Tom has bought some new books.
  5. He always takes some sugar with her coffee.
  6. I have seen some nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
  7. There aren’t any folders in my bag.
  8. I have some magazines for you.
  9. There are some apples on the table.
  10. Kate does not have any pencils on her desk.

Упражнение 3

Составьте из данных слов предложения и переведите.

  1. some – the kitchen – I – for – want – furniture – to buy.
  2. aren’t – the table – cakes – on – there – on – any.
  3. have – I — please – can – some – butter?
  4. there – any – casinos – in – are – Berlin?
  5. take – book – you – any – can – here.
  6. lives – the west – Mary – somewhere – in.
  7. something – talk – let’s – else – about.
  8. loves – our family – fish – in – nobody.
  9. on TV – interesting – is – nothing – tonight — there.
  10. anybody – my dictionary – has – seen?
  1. I want to buy some furniture for the kitchen. (Я хочу купить мебель для кухни.)
  2. There aren’t any cakes on the table. (На столе нет пирожных.)
  3. Can I have some butter, please? (Можно мне немного масла?)
  4. Are there any casinos in Berlin? (В Берлине есть казино?)
  5. You can take any book here. (Ты можешь взять здесь любую книгу.)
  6. Mary lives somewhere in the west. (Мэри живет где-то на западе.)
  7. Let’s talk about something else. (Давайте поговорим о чем-нибудь еще.)
  8. Nobody loves fish in our family. (Никто не любит рыбу в нашей семье.)
  9. There is nothing interesting on TV tonight. (Сегодня вечером нет ничего интересного по ТВ.)
  10. Has anybody seen my dictionary? (Кто-нибудь видел мой словарь?)

Упражнение 4

Скажите по-английски следующие предложения с использованием some / any.

  1. Остался ли у нас хлеб?
  2. Они не пели никаких песен.
  3. Вот кукурузные хлопья, но молока нет.
  4. Я ищу хорошую музыку.
  5. В холодильнике нет масла. Пойдем купим немного.
  6. У вас есть помидоры?
  7. На полу лежат учебники.
  8. Тебе дали кетчуп? Нет, у них нет вообще кетчупа.
  9. Вы должны есть свежие фрукты.
  10. Нам пришлось подождать несколько минут.
  1. Is there any bread left?
  2. They didn’t sing any songs.
  3. Here are some cornflakes, but there isn’t any milk.
  4. I’m looking for some good music.
  5. There is no butter in the fridge. Let’s go and get some.
  6. Have you got any tomatoes?
  7. There are some exercise books on the floor.
  8. Did you get the ketchup? No, they hadn’t got any.
  9. You should eat some fresh fruit.
  10. We had to wait for some minutes.

Упражнение 5

Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные.

  1. My teacher gave me some advice. (Мой учитель дал мне совет.)
  2. We have seen some great films this month. (Мы посмотрели несколько классных фильмов в этом месяце.)
  3. He has got some beer in the fridge. (У него есть немного пива в холодильнике.)
  4. She said something strange about her neighbor. (Она рассказала кое-что странное о своем соседе.)
  5. They ate something for lunch. (Они что-то съели на обед.)
  6. We can find better food somewhere else. (Мы можем найти более лучшую еду где-нибудь еще.)
  7. There is something wrong with your car. (С твоей машиной что-то не в порядке.)
  8. Somebody is calling my name. (Кто-то зовет меня.)
  1. Did your teacher give you any advice?
  2. Have you seen any great films this month?
  3. Has he got any beer in the fridge?
  4. Did she say anything strange about her neighbor?
  5. Did they eat anything for lunch?
  6. Can we find better food anywhere else?
  7. Is there anything wrong with your car?
  8. Is anybody calling my name?

Упражнение 6

Найдите ошибки. Сделайте предложения правильными.

  1. Can I have any of these kiwis?
  2. We saw the dolphins in the sea.
  3. They went to town without a money.
  4. Buy apples if you see any.
  5. Would you like any more tea?
  6. Come and see me any time you want.
  7. He never does the work.
  8. You can take bus to the city centre.
  9. Peter never gives his mother any help.
  10. There’s hardly a coffee left.
  1. Can I have some of these kiwis?
  2. We saw some dolphins in the sea.
  3. They went to town without any money.
  4. Buy some apples if you see any.
  5. Would you like some more tea?
  6. Come and see me any time you want.
  7. He never does any work.
  8. You can take any bus to the city centre.
  9. Peter never gives his mother any help.
  10. There’s hardly any coffee left.

Упражнение 7

Вставьте вместо пропусков местоимения some, any и их производные.

  1. Why are you looking under the table? Have you lost anything/ something?
  2. Do they live somewhere / anywhere near Suvorov Street?
  3. There is anything / something in my soup. It’s mosquito!
  4. I’m thirsty. Can I have some / any cold juice?
  5. He can do the job alone. He doesn’t need anybody else’s / somebody else’s help.
  6. We cannot close our eyes to the facts some / any longer.
  7. If anybody / somebody asks about me I’m at Kate’s.
  8. She can’t have lost the tickets! They have got to be anywhere / somewhere!
  9. I’ve lost my way! Isn’t there anyone / someone who could direct me to Victory Square?
  10. There is hardly anybody / somebody to be seen on the streets of the centre after dusk.
  11. David decided that he needed to do anything / something constructive with his life.
  12. Will you show me some / any of your latest sculptures?
  13. «What would you like to drink?» «Oh, anything / something. Whatever you’re having will be fine!»
  14. Tom was in bad mood and refused to go somewhere / anywhere.
  1. Something,
  2. somewhere,
  3. something,
  4. some,
  5. anybody else’s,
  6. any,
  7. anybody,
  8. somewhere,
  9. anyone,
  10. anybody,
  11. something,
  12. some / any,
  13. anything,
  14. anywhere
Автор статьи
Алексей Гузанов
Репетитор, закончил Куровскую гимназию, которая входит в топ-100 школ Московской области, с золотой медалью. Являюсь победителем олимпиад по математике и информатике. Успешно сдал ЕГЭ на высокие баллы.
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