Much, Many, A lot of — упражнения

much many a lot of Задания

Much, Many, A lot of - упражнения

Упражнение 1

Используйте much или many для выражения Сколько…?.

  1. How … petrol?
  2. How … children?
  3. How … theatres?
  4. How … juice?
  5. How … days?
  6. How … sugar?
  7. How … cigarettes?
  8. How … work?
  1. How much petrol? (Сколько бензина?)
  2. How many children? (Сколько детей?)
  3. How many theatres? (Сколько театров?)
  4. How much juice? (Сколько сока?)
  5. How many days? (Сколько дней?)
  6. How much sugar? (Сколько сахара?)
  7. How many cigarettes? (Сколько сигарет?)
  8. How much work? (Сколько работы?)

Упражнение 2

Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильный вариант Much или many.

  1. They have too (many/much) furniture in the room.
  2. There are too (many/much) books on your desk.
  3. You have too (many/much) mistakes in the test.
  4. You must drink (many/much) coffee.
  5. You put too (many/much) vegetables in the soup.
  6. You put too (many/much) fruit in the salad.
  7. Must we learn (many /much) words for today?
  8. We have got (many /much) sandwiches.
  1. much
  2. many
  3. many
  4. much
  5. many
  6. much
  7. many
  8. many

Упражнение 3

Поставьте «a lot of» (много) в необходимом месте в предложении и переведите.

  1. We met interesting people at the party.
  2. I ate fish for lunch.
  3. She bought nice shoes for the next summer.
  4. They have problems in their business.
  5. There is water in the bath.
  1. We met a lot of interesting people at the party. (Мы встретили много интересных людей на вечеринке.)
  2. I ate a lot of fish for lunch. (Я съел много рыбы на обед.)
  3. She bought a lot of nice shoes for the next summer. (Она купила много красивой обуви на следующее лето.)
  4. They have a lot of problems in their business. (У них много проблем с бизнесом.)
  5. There is a lot of water in the bath. (В ванной много воды.)

Упражнение 4

Используйте much или many.

  1. Do you drink … coffee?
  2. I like reading. I read … books.
  3. We have … lessons of English this year.
  4. I can’t remember … from this text.
  5. Do you learn … new English words every day?
  6. We haven’t got … bread.
  7. I can’t spend … money on toys.
  1. Do you drink much coffee?
  2. I like reading. I read many books.
  3. We have many lessons of English this year.
  4. I can’t remember much from this text.
  5. Do you learn many new English words every day?
  6. We haven’t got much bread.
  7. I can’t spend much money on toys.

Упражнение 5

Найдите и исправьте ошибки, если таковые имеются.

  1. We didn’t take many food with us.
  2. There aren’t much new subjects this year.
  3. I haven’t much free time today.
  4. He doesn’t do much written exercises every day.
  5. We don’t drink many coffee in our family.
  6. There isn’t much furniture in my room
  7. There wasn’t many happiness in his face.
  8. Not many new ideas were discussed.
  9. We shan’t have much lessons tomorrow.
  10. I won’t have much mistakes in this exercise.
  1. many -> much
  2. much -> many
  3. correct
  4. much -> many
  5. many -> much
  6. correct
  7. many -> much
  8. correct
  9. much -> many
  10. much -> many
Автор статьи
Алексей Гузанов
Репетитор, закончил Куровскую гимназию, которая входит в топ-100 школ Московской области, с золотой медалью. Являюсь победителем олимпиад по математике и информатике. Успешно сдал ЕГЭ на высокие баллы.
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